Stronger, I FELT IT.
I’m a Black, Deaf professional with a passion for strength, growth, and living life to its fullest. But in 2018, my life was shaken to its core when cancer took the backbone of my existence—my mother.
Before she passed, my mother told me, “Keep doing what you’re doing. Don’t stop.” After her transition, I was left with overwhelming heartbreak. I hit rock bottom, trying to control things I couldn’t. There were a million words I could use to express my grief and love, but there was only one word that kept me grounded in optimism: Stronger.
STRONGER became my new mantra, my motto, my guiding principle. I let go of the old “go with the flow” mindset and embraced a new energy, a powerful force driving me forward.
I stumbled upon the phrase “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Stronger. Stronger. STRONGER. This is when my journey toward reclaiming strength began, all centered around a single word. I was inspired by Greg Hlibok’s "Stronger” speech from the 1988 Deaf President Now movement. It resonated deeply with me and fueled my fire.
Emojis, hashtags, and words like "strong," "be strong," and "stronger together" became more than just symbols. They were my lifeline, my source of inspiration to push forward with a bigger purpose.
"Stronger" became the key to my physical, mental, and emotional healing. It wasn’t just a word—it was a philosophy. During this journey, I bought my first home, traveled to Europe, read books, eliminated bad habits, nurtured new relationships, and shared what I learned with others. As Anthony Bourdain said, “Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind, no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom is realizing how small I am, and unwise, and how far I have yet to go.” That quote reminded me that being *stronger* means constantly evolving.
Then came 2020. The world changed when COVID-19 swept across the globe, forcing all of us to slow down and focus on self-care, staying strong, and being smart about what we could control. Amid this crisis, I found an opportunity to build something that would help others feel strong too. And then, I saw the unstoppable force of the Black Lives Matter movement. People in all 50 states, cities across the globe, were rising up, getting stronger in the face of adversity.
BLM. Stronger, I feel you. STRONGERIFY!
Whether you're from the Deaf community, the hearing community, or from anywhere in the world, if you want to be part of something that represents strength, unity, and resilience—let’s get stronger together.
STRONGERIFY! Because I believe everyone gets stronger. “Stronger” is my passion for you to find your strength, too. When those stronger moments happen, share them with us—STRONGERIFY!
Our community thrives on connection, collaboration, and commitment. Together, we grow, we get bigger, and we get stronger. Inspiration is the result.
Strongerify. You’ll feel stronger, eventually.
And when you do—STRONGERIFY!
L. LeMarc Williamson, CEO